This Work Needs You.
Our new #IMPACTSTIGMA campaign continues our fight to eradicate stigma by way of a grassroots movement that partners with community members just like you. The burden of mental illness in the United States is among the highest of all diseases, and mental disorders are among the most common causes of disability.
We are stronger together! Work with us to ensure that fear and shame are no longer barriers to mental and behavioral health care. Join the movement as an #IMPACTMAKER to help us fight stigma and take back our health and our communities!
Make An Impact
We are excited you are here and hope you will join our giving community and make an impact in the lives of those we serve! If you or someone you love has experienced a mental health issue or seen the hurt and loss that happens when these issues go untreated and you want to help us, then this is the place to do it!
There are so many different ways you can help us support Frontier Health!
We have brand new and exciting local Events coming up, special fundraisers to support specific needs within our organization and a powerful grassroots movement called Impact Stigma.
You can Connect With Us and sponsor an event or make a one-time charitable gift on our Ways to Give page. Impact Stigma is our grassroots movement that partners with community members, just like you.
Become a part of the movement that is changing local lives!
Make a Difference TODAY,
Become A Monthly Impact Maker!
Impact Makers are our VIP monthly donors. You decide how much to give and no matter the amount every dollar makes a difference!
You make an impact even if it’s just $5 a month!
Your monthly gift makes it possible for Frontier Health to continue delivering hope for communities all over Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee.
We CAN’T Do This Alone.
We Need Your Help!

We use 100% of your monthly gift to educate our communities and to ensure the vital mental health programs and services provided by Frontier Health are financially able to care for communities all over Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee.
This Work Needs YOU!