Change A Life Today!
Help our children and youth services save a son or daughter contemplating suicide or a child with depression failing in school. Your support gives a father unable to stop drinking, a veteran that can’t stop crying, a devoted nurse suffering from panic attacks or a mother and her children escaping abuse a safe place to get the help they need.
These are just a few of the countless lives your support will impact!
Donate Online
Mail-In Donations
Checks may be made payable to the Frontier Health Foundation. Please use our print-friendly form and mail your donation to:
Frontier Health Foundation
1167 Spratlin Park Drive
Gray, TN 37615-9054
Gifts of Securities or Real Estate
Gifts of appreciated securities, such as stock, bonds or real estate that you have owned for at least a year, provide a double tax benefit. You receive an income tax charitable deduction for the value of the property and avoid capital gains tax that would have been owed had you sold the property. Gifts of real estate are subject to inspection and approval prior to acceptance. For questions, or to initiate a stock gift, please email us or call 423-467-3742.
Planned Gifts
Planned giving can maximize the impact of your gift, minimize your tax obligations and meet your individual needs. Frontier Health Foundation is prepared to work with you directly or in partnership with your financial advisor to help you fulfill your philanthropic goals. If you have questions about Planned Giving please email us at foundation@frontierhealth.org.